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Profile photo of a State Farm Agent named: Kenny Vega
State Farm® Insurance Agent

Kenny Vega

Kenneth M Vega Ins Agency Inc

Office Hours

9am - 5pm
11am - 2pm
After Hours by Appointment


49-06 Queens Blvd
Woodside, NY 11377

49th Street and Queens Blvd Across from the Mobil Gas Station.

Would you like to create a personalized quote?

Would you like to create a personalized quote?

Office Info

Office Hours

9am - 5pm
11am - 2pm
After Hours by Appointment
Call or text us 24 hours a day!


49-06 Queens Blvd
Woodside, NY 11377

Location Details

  • Parking: In front of building
  • No steps/stairs


English, Spanish

PLEASE READ Online Quoting is Disabled! Please call us at the office and one of our agents will get you a competitive quote for any of your insurance needs.

Are you a fellow resident or small business owner in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, or Pennsylvania in search of a State Farm a Personal Price Plan? Welcome to Kenny Vega State Farm! For content translated to Spanish, please scroll past the content written in English.

Meet with our team today for a free Life Insurance consultation to make sure that you and your family are set up for success for generations to come.

About Me: I am a second-generation Dominican. I was born and raised in Harlem, NY, and growing up I was a part of Troop 755 for the Boy Scouts, which is when I developed a passion for helping others. This experience in my youth is a large reason why I became a State Farm Insurance Agent. Everyone who knows me knows that I am a helper. I love having friends around, and I love to make people smile.

I am married to my beautiful wife Priscila, and together we have a daughter named, Kensy. These two women in my life are my drive to do what I do every day. My work ethic comes from my mother and father.

My mother worked in housekeeping, in various New York City hotels, and my father was a New York City taxi driver for 35 years. They worked very hard to provide for me and my older brother, Victor. Their dedication to our childhoods is why we pay it forward. We enjoy supporting our community by sponsoring Club Deportivo Cultural Dominicano and also volunteering with State Farm to give Financial literacy classes to the youth.

Finally, I have been a State Farm Insurance Agent since 2016, and before opening my business, I worked with another State Farm Insurance Agent, for 8 years. I love being an agent, because helping people is in my nature, from understanding insurance and the need for it, and educating the generations to come.

Kenny Vega Difference: We are not just a car insurance company. We help our residential and commercial insurance customers through guidance, knowledge, and professional assistance. With access to a wide variety of insurance and financial services, we provide our customers with an appropriate plan that ensures that they are set up for financial success based on their goals. Customers rest easy knowing if mayhem comes calling, they are appropriately cared for.

Community Involvement: We enjoy supporting our community by sponsoring Club Deportivo Cultural Dominicano and also volunteering with State Farm to give Financial literacy classes to the youth. If you’re interested in obtaining a sponsor for your next event, give me a call, or stop by the office! I would love to help if we’re available.

Award Winning Agency: Thanks to the support of our community, our team has been blessed to qualify for various State Farm awards such as, State Farm Honor Club, Ambassador Club, Chairman’s Circle, and other awards, which recognize our dedication to service and performance. Our team truly believes that if we take the time to care for our customers first, we will grow our business - the right way. We have also been blessed with more than 650 Google Reviews!

Office Location: Our office is located on the corner of Queens Boulevard and 39th Place, right next to Pete’s Grill, Speedway, near McDonald’s, New Castle Deli, and across the street from Dollar Tree, Tangra, and the Queens Health Center. We always love seeing our customers, and appointments aren’t necessary, so feel free to stop by our office any time!

Social Media: Be sure to follow us on social media by click on the icons above or by searching @thekennyvegaagency on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter. We’re always sharing current event surrounding our agency, tips, tricks, and more insightful information that is beneficial for our community.

Conclusion: We look forward to meeting you and helping in the development of a Personal Price Plan that is appropriate for you. Be sure to ask us about how you can enroll in our Drive Safe & Save program, and hablamos espanol!

(Spanish Translation)

¿Es usted un compañero residente o propietario de una pequeña empresa en Nueva York, Nueva Jersey, Connecticut o Nueva Jersey en busca de un plan de precios personal de State Farm? ¡Bienvenido a Kenny Vega State Farm! Para el contenido traducido al español, desplácese más allá del contenido escrito en inglés.

Acerca de mí: Soy dominicana de segunda generación. Nací y me crié en Harlem, Nueva York, y mientras crecía era parte de la Tropa 755 de los Boy Scouts, que fue cuando desarrollé una pasión por ayudar a los demás. Esta experiencia en mi juventud es una gran razón por la que me convertí en agente de seguros de State Farm. Todos los que me conocen saben que soy un ayudante. Me encanta tener amigos alrededor y me encanta hacer sonreír a la gente.

Estoy casado con mi hermosa esposa Priscila y juntos tenemos una hija llamada Kensy. Estas dos mujeres en mi vida son mi impulso para hacer lo que hago todos los días. Mi ética de trabajo proviene de mi madre y mi padre.

Mi madre trabajaba en el servicio de limpieza en varios hoteles de la ciudad de Nueva York y mi padre fue taxista en la ciudad de Nueva York durante 35 años. Trabajaron muy duro para mantenernos a mí ya mi hermano mayor, Víctor. Su dedicación a nuestra infancia es la razón por la que lo pagamos. Disfrutamos apoyando a nuestra comunidad patrocinando el Club Deportivo Cultural Dominicano y también como voluntarios con State Farm para dar clases de educación financiera a los jóvenes.

Finalmente, he sido agente de seguros de State Farm desde 2016, y antes de abrir mi negocio, trabajé con otro agente de seguros de State Farm durante 8 años. Me encanta ser agente, porque ayudar a las personas está en mi naturaleza, desde comprender los seguros y la necesidad de los mismos, hasta educar a las generaciones venideras.

Kenny Vega Diferencia: No somos solo una compañía de seguros de automóviles. Ayudamos a nuestros clientes de seguros residenciales y comerciales a través de orientación, conocimiento y asistencia profesional. Con acceso a una amplia variedad de seguros y servicios financieros, brindamos a nuestros clientes un plan adecuado que garantiza que estén preparados para el éxito financiero en función de sus objetivos. Los clientes descansan tranquilos sabiendo que si el caos los llama, son atendidos adecuadamente.

Participación en la comunidad: Disfrutamos apoyando a nuestra comunidad patrocinando el Club Deportivo Cultural Dominicano y también siendo voluntarios con State Farm para dar clases de educación financiera a los jóvenes. Si está interesado en obtener un patrocinador para su próximo evento, ¡llámeme o pase por la oficina! Me encantaría ayudar si estamos disponibles.

Agencia galardonada: gracias al apoyo de nuestra comunidad, nuestro equipo ha tenido la bendición de calificar para varios premios de State Farm, como State Farm Honor Club, Ambassador Club, Chairman's Circle y otros premios, que reconocen nuestra dedicación al servicio y el desempeño. . Nuestro equipo realmente cree que si nos tomamos el tiempo para cuidar primero a nuestros clientes, haremos crecer nuestro negocio, de la manera correcta. ¡También hemos sido bendecidos con más de 650 reseñas de Google!

Ubicación de la oficina: Nuestra oficina está ubicada en la esquina de Queens Boulevard y 39th Place, justo al lado de Pete's Grill, Speedway, cerca de McDonald's, New Castle Deli y al otro lado de la calle de Dollar Tree, Tangra y Queens Health Center. Siempre nos encanta ver a nuestros clientes, y las citas no son necesarias, ¡así que siéntase libre de pasar por nuestra oficina en cualquier momento!

Redes sociales: asegúrese de seguirnos en las redes sociales haciendo clic en los íconos de arriba o buscando @thekennyvegaagency en Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn y Twitter. Siempre compartimos eventos actuales relacionados con nuestra agencia, consejos, trucos y más información detallada que es beneficiosa para nuestra comunidad.

Conclusión: Esperamos conocerlo y ayudarlo a desarrollar un Plan de precios personal que sea apropiado para usted. ¡Asegúrese de preguntarnos cómo puede inscribirse en nuestro programa Drive Safe & Save.

Insurance Products Offered

Auto, Homeowners, Condo, Renters, Personal Articles, Business, Life, Health, Pet

Other Products

Banking, Mutual Funds, Annuities

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Our team positively impacts our New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania residential and commercial customers through guidance, knowledge, and professional assistance. With access to a wide variety of insurance and financial services, we provide our customers with an appropriate plan that ensures that they are set up for financial success based on their goals. Customers rest easy knowing if mayhem comes calling, they are appropriately cared for. Call us for your next insurance quote!

Nuestro equipo impacta positivamente a nuestros clientes residenciales y comerciales de Nueva York, Nueva Jersey, Connecticut y Pensilvania a través de orientación, conocimiento y asistencia profesional. Con acceso a una amplia variedad de seguros y servicios financieros, brindamos a nuestros clientes un plan adecuado que garantiza que estén preparados para el éxito financiero en función de sus objetivos. Los clientes descansan tranquilos sabiendo que si el caos los llama, son atendidos adecuadamente. ¡Llámenos para su próxima cotización de seguro!

हमारी टीम मार्गदर्शन, ज्ञान और पेशेवर सहायता के माध्यम से हमारे न्यूयॉर्क, न्यू जर्सी, कनेक्टिकट और पेंसिल्वेनिया आवासीय और वाणिज्यिक ग्राहकों पर सकारात्मक प्रभाव डालती है। विभिन्न प्रकार की बीमा और वित्तीय सेवाओं तक पहुंच के साथ, हम अपने ग्राहकों को एक उचित योजना प्रदान करते हैं जो यह सुनिश्चित करती है कि वे अपने लक्ष्यों के आधार पर वित्तीय सफलता के लिए तैयार हैं। ग्राहक यह जानकर निश्चिंत हो जाते हैं कि यदि किसी उपद्रव का बुलावा आता है, तो उनकी उचित देखभाल की जाएगी। अपने अगले बीमा कोटेशन के लिए हमें कॉल करें!

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Our award-winning team is licensed and ready to assist our residential and commercial customers with a Personal Price Plan that fits their goals of today and into the future. Our team is also able to help service our State Farm customers that are Spanish speaking! If you live in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, or Pennsylvania, give us a call today so we can assist you with your next insurance quote and help you reach your goals of today and into the future. Be sure to ask our team how you can enroll in our Drive Safe & Save program as well.

Nuestro galardonado equipo tiene licencia y está listo para ayudar a nuestros clientes residenciales y comerciales con un Plan de precios personal que se ajuste a sus objetivos actuales y futuros. ¡Nuestro equipo también puede ayudar a atender a nuestros clientes de State Farm que hablan español! Si vive en Nueva York, Nueva Jersey, Connecticut o Pensilvania, llámenos hoy para que podamos ayudarlo con su próxima cotización de seguro y ayudarlo a alcanzar sus metas de hoy y del futuro. Asegúrese de preguntar a nuestro equipo cómo puede inscribirse también en nuestro programa Drive Safe & Save.

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Our Agency

We are a very busy office and are looking for our next great team member. This busy insurance and financial services office has a passion to make a difference in the lives of others and better the community. We are a growing agency with big dreams and lots of potential. We are an established, growth-oriented agency with a team of highly motivated individuals. We attribute our success to having a fun, energetic environment that is an enjoyable place to work. Our team works hard to reach our goals together as a team and have fun while we are doing it! Our well-trained team uses state of the art technology to achieve outstanding results. If you want to work in an environment that is fun, challenging, and rewarding, then Kenny Vega - State Farm Agent may be the right fit for you! If you believe in having fun in a stable working environment and have a willingness to learn, we should meet to discuss our career opportunity.

  • Our mission is to help people manage the risks of everyday life, recover from the unexpected and realize their dreams.
  • We help customers with their insurance and financial services needs, including Auto Insurance, Home Insurance, Life Insurance, Retirement Planning, Business Insurance, College Planning, Health Insurance, and Renters Insurance.
  • Our office is located in Woodside.
  • Our office is open M-T 9A-7P F 9A-6P S 10A-2P.
  • I am a proud graduate of Lehman College.
  • We currently have 8 team members at our agency.
  • We have 20 years of combined insurance experience in our office.
  • Additional languages spoken: Spanish

Learn more about our agency and the career opportunities with us.
Available Positions
Please Note: This opportunity is about potential employment with an independent contractor agent who solicits applications for State Farm products and services, and does NOT result in employment with any of the State Farm Insurance Companies. The employment selection decision , terms and conditions of employment (such as compensation and benefits) are all determined solely by the independent contractor agent.